Author: Israel Ravelo Hernández (ISEKO), march at 2009 (P.R., CUBA) Traslated by Tapia

This program will be able to be used and to be distributed freely always and when there is mentioned the author and the site of unload http://www.scenespain.net/ there must no be restrictions to obtain this software.

About  USBUtil v2.00

USBUtil is a program created to try images of games of PS2, in the format ISO9660 standard (8+3) (name+extension), which will be able to be used by USBExtreme/USBAdvance/USBLoader. This time has been wanted more than a convertor, to do a tool that facilitates a range of options in the field of the images of games for disc five-peseta coins. Later an inventory of the software.

Version USBUtil v1.01 ( Spanish)
•   To create games from ISO -> GAME
•   Copy /Move /Rename /Order /Delete /Convert Game -> ISO
•   To recover ul.cfg (configuration at games)
•   To restore lost spaces
•   To allow the options of manipulation for any disc / directory in use.
•   Incorporated list of compatible games, methods (Search /Edition/ I Add) of new games.

Version USBUtil v1.02 (Spanish / English)
•   some bugs were eliminated.
•   I improve the method of recovery.
•   I publish in the English language.


Version USBUtil v2.00  (Spanish / English) New added options
•   Allows to manipulate almost all the options in the way Games / ISO
•   To create Games / ISO from reader of CD / DVD
•   To patch DNAS/IOPRP (package v1.0)
•   New method of recovery without the use of ul-old.cfg (but compatible with the traditional method).
•   To check structure of the Game / ISO and to give valuation
•   To explore and to associate files from the interior of the Game / ISO
•   To manipulate Videos / files, for this version in videos the formats (MPC MPG M2V PSS PSV SFD NFX) with predefined options like videoes To deactivate and To coincide, with the aim(lens) to eliminate a bit the slowness of the same ones, in addition all these options are applicable to all the files.
•   To inject and To replace files without need to re-compile the Game / ISO.
•   Partial / Total method to restore the game / ISO, later to the effected(carried out) modifications, remaining the same the as original as possible one.
•   Method for ripear Game / ISO, including all the modifications effected from USBUtil, in addition three you form to fill with rubble, in that a filled with rubble end is included to diminish the space occupied in the HD alone this it is for PS2



First of all I want to say that USBUtil v2.00 was created principally not to have to depend on another any software to be able to modify our games, on the contrary we can protect and take care to the maximum of the same ones, be which is the modification that applies him, always and when one does not use the option to fill with rubble, we will be able to restore and to obtain the original game.

All the methods used by USBUtil cannot be tried to explain from another software, since the realized operations are in order to use our games from a hard disk (HD), never compatibility tries to be created by CD / DVD, so I do not guarantee the same one, the best results will be obtained from the same software, the method to restore is the best tool to obtain our original games after having being modified, this one is sure 100 % providing that there is not used the option to fill with rubble or re-compiled across another program foreign to USBUtil.

This version will try to improve a bit the compatibility and the work with the games for USBAdvance/USBextreme/USBLoader, allowing a series of options that facilitate the modifications that apply him to certain games in order that they could be executed correctly, trying always not to damage the original game, that is to say all the changes are realized saving always the original information.
Nevertheless three methods have created for ripear the games and to include the effected modifications, the compatibility and efficiency of the same ones depends on possible internal protections to the game, therefore the guarantee of the same ones will be proving these.
Later some important topics are mentioned for the treatment and modification of the games, these are:
• As uses the package of patches USBUtil's DNAS/IOPRP.
• As replace files (to support our LBA).
• As injecting files to our games (our files to set to work for those of the game).
• As coincide files (files of the game to make coincide, as icons, levels, and others in general).
• As a video to visualize or to edit a file of the game (to associate files of the game with external programs).
• As guarding our changes done by USBUtil of permanent form and to diminish the size of some games in the HD (To Rip).

• As deactivates a file (it to put to zero), since to eliminate files DUMMY, since all kinds of file to change without re-compiling and without any delay.


Due to the quantity of options that they added to the program and not to be too extensive, this TUTORIAL will include only the added ones in this version, staying as well as I complement with the TUTORIAL of the version 1.02


Principal Menu New options for order

In file they have added two new options, To open ISO [To explore / To modify] and To create GAME / ISO from CD / DVD,later I will explain each of them.

Open ISO [To Explore /To Modify]
This option allows us to be able to explore / modify standard ISO 9660 with format of (8x3) characters (name x extension), specially images of PlayStation's 2 CD / DVD. On having given click on the same one a panel will appear showing the current directory and the ISO files(s) found in the same one, selecting with the bar one of them, we will be able to accede to the submenu of options for ISO. This submenu will be explained closely in the section of Useful in the principal menu hereinafter. See image #1


Image #1, Selecting a file with right click one accedes to the submenu of options.

When an ISO image cannot be opened by USBUtil, it is very possible that the same one is not compatible with USBAdvance, USBExtreme, the more recommended is to create the image from USBUtil, which contains a compatible enough method.

To create GAME / ISO from CD/DVD
This option like his(her,your) name indicates it allows to create GAME / ISO from our reader of CD / DVD, it is important to clarify that the method included by USBUtil was designed specially to extract games of PS2, so his(her,your) compatibility overcomes some before used for this option, USBinsane, ultraISO and others, proved(tried) under certain circumstances and that they have caused mistakes in the same ones, USBUtil has overcome and managed to create a compatible image. This is not a critique, to the opposite we know and recognize of the reputation of the mentioned softwares, only that for any cases the imágenes cannot be executed by USBAdvance / USBLoader.

I want to mention besides the fact that an option is included to patch DNAS / IOPRP, on having finished the creation of the GAME / ISO, this can be activated in the panel of patching, as the old option of Way has been included, it is possible to leave this one for fault in Car to avoid the inconveniences(troubles) and if we wish that a GAME should be created / ISO, simply we select to our taste, not without before naming what we want to create. For more detail the figure sees #2

Detail of Importance:
When a GAME / ISO wants to be created from CD / DVD we must introduce for first you see a disc before calling USBUtil, later all the rest will be recognized, otherwise it will not be recognized.


Image #2, The button To create only will be active if it is possible to proceed, this will depend on the size of the unit and the information to guarding and if the present way is recognized.

USEFUL (principal menu)
In this one they have added several options, beside modifying some, later it appears and they explain for order.

Recover Game
The option to recover the configurador ul.cfg for this version was modified completely, though it supports the compatibility with the old method of ul-old.cfg, being able to recover for this route.
The level of priority is as it continues:
• first: Analysis of ul.cfg
• second: Analysis of ul-old.cfg
• third: In this point one proceeds to the recovery for the file usbutil.rcn, which is created and updated automatically.

The recommended recovery is the last one of the three, since the file not only works like recuperador, but also as warehouseman, this one registers all the games spent(passed) by the program, even exist or not, for future recoveries, of this one it forms when we do not have idea of what recovers, these will have the last name registered by USBUtil. In this version one does not believe the former file ul-old.cfg, to this one importance is reduced for not having reason of use.
Later an image shows itself of few changes effected externally to this option. See image #3


Image #3, The possibility of recovering is indicated, according to the result take the information.

To Edit / To See [ul.cfg]
This new option allows us to edit some fields of the file configurador ul.cfg, the fields #1-name of the game, #3-byte zero are put of alone reading, these will not be able to be modified so the game would be altered of erroneous form, the others can be modified carefully in some case, but of any form the condition of the game is altered and can cause problems. This option only is possible on the games, does not have use for ISO (s). Later we show the image #4.


Image#4, The fields marked in red sound of alone reading, the field #2 contains the region and code, the others can be modified following the showed information.
It will be possible move on the fields of the ul.cfg with the buttons [<<], [>>] or messing about on the number of the field to visualizing.

This topic for the importance of the same one I will emphisize and it will try to include all his utility.

This option allows to patch a GAME / ISO, in the moment that is called the interior of the same one is explored as it is the case, the program creates a list of all the opposing DNAS/IOPRP, it(he,she) will show if it is necessary patch or not, this does not want to say that it(he) is obligatory to put a patch, the same one one will owe to if the game needs of this, because it(he,she) does not run with USBAdvance/USBExtreme, the motives in order that the games do not run they are different and this topic is a bit polemic, there are several opinions, especially I will indicate some that seem to me to be more guessed right, These can be for the use in the games of the port USB and he meets in conflict USBAdvance, USBExtreme that use the same one, other one could be that the speed of reading is too much slow since the port of the PS2 is USB 1.1, besides other protections including the DNAS/IOPRP. For these USBUtil there has his first package DNAS/IOPRP v1.00 that this contained in 2 files, the usbutil.dni (index of the DNAS/IOPRP) and usbutil.dna (it contains in if the files used to inject).

Continuing with the topic, on having visualized DNAS/IOPRP's window, only there will be able to be patched those that it is allowed them, if in some moment a DNAS/IOPRP is detected not found in the package the impossibility of the patch will be indicated, for more options, to refer to the topic of Manual Configuration, in which one gives a series of tools to modify the GAME / ISO. More detail sees image #5.


Image #5, Here one shows the opposing DNAS/IOPRP, only it is allowed mark those that have not been patched. I have taken this example, since this game goes out with USBUtil patching the DNAS280, that for the traditional method changing this one into an IOPRP and re-compiling the ISO it was not possible, since the same one contains protection for LBA and on having be modified it stops running.

I want to clarify that this package will not serve us for all play them, only for a group of they that need to be patched, in addition I hold this one to changes and improvements to include a major quantity of them. For more information continue reading up to the topic Manual Configuration, which sure him will be of more help.
This option To patch present this one in the principal menu and can accede to her by means of right click in the submenu on a GAME / ISO.

To Check structure
Other one of the options of USEFUL is her of checking the structure of the GAME / ISO, of this form we can assure if our GAME / ISO this one in good condition, in the same one finds out if there is existence of invalid or crossed references, I will make clear very rapidly of that it consists an invalid, this reference it is not any more than when a file points at a direction missed since it can be over the size of the game, this supposes a mistake record, for what it would not work of assurance, the cross-reference is when a file aims at other one, this I finalize it does not take as a mistake, alone warning, is very natural to see this indication working with USBUtil.

Other information contributed by this option is:

Number of directories and files, existence of the SYSTEM.CNF, region and code of our game, the DNAS/IOPRP found and a valuation of this how the condition of the same one. For more detail see image #6


Image #6, See the informed details, the red color denotes mistake record in the condition of the GAME / ISO.

This way with this option when our friends us send an ISO we will be able to know if this one this one correct, we must know that alone it is applicable to images of PS2.

To see current configuration
Here another informative option in USEFUL, but it is directed more the modifications effected by USBUtil, since they are files coinciding, injected, deactivated and illegal, the above mentioned possess neither name nor extension, but they have assignment in the table of the LBA, for not being declared correctly USBUtil he declares them like illegal, seems to be that they guard secret information or is some type of protection, an example of this happens with Final Fantasy X, if we observe the size of the DVD some Mbytes is alone, see the image #7.


Image #7, See also the information about the condition, the current size and the original one before being filled with rubble.

It is possible that some ISO is filtered and the values like the former original size it is eliminated and the awaited information does not offer.



Important  information:
This method is not compatible with CD / DVD, only it can be used for USB-HD, all the rest as COINCIDE, INJECT, DEACTIVATE, REPLACE and other modifications on a GAME or ISO are completely compatible, if some case it was not it is due to certain protections for LBA and of another type known, that is to say our changes done from USBUtil can be kept in the wished time including all the mentioned options, later it can restore his game to the normal condition by means of Restoring (TOTAL) / (PARTIAL) structure see options of restoration.

This option allows to fill with rubble our GAME / ISO and this way to guard all the modifications done by USBUtil, also it is possible to try to diminish the space that they occupy them same in the HD. There exist three methods of Filling with rubble that they are: Normal (East contains the major quantity of information about the GAME / ISO seizure of the original one), Ideal (It Contains the information that supposedly is necessary, without including terminals), Extreme (It Contains the necessary information of the game of PS2 to execute in a HD). The latter is most recommended for the use by USB (USBAdvance, USBExtreme), IDE (HDLoader, HDExtreme), I must say that some game can stop running, since there exist some of them that contain protections for LBA or other strangers, who will not allow that this one should be modified. Nevertheless we can always try try to liberate some Gbytes in our HD supporting our complete games.

Another route to reduce more space in our HD
It forms other one of diminishing space in our games, is modifying these, Activating / deactivating files like DUMMY, videoes and others, USBUtil brings an option to make to coincide videoes, this will do that all the videoes execute for the minor of them, clearly this one, the games that contain the formats included for this version, another form is using the option Manual Configuration, we can explore the GAME / ISO and see that we can deactivate, I from the beginning of this version of the software, did some tests, there are some games that it is possible to deactivate the videoes since they do not check the same ones (Medal of Honor), other one that contains a file DUMMY that occupies a good space is (Prince of Persia 3), when this one deactivates the game works perfectly well in 1.6 Gbytes approximately.

Alone USBUtil tries to give a tool that facilitates the manipulation, the best result will obtain it to measure exploit the software.

Returning to the topic, when one gives click taking the option to fill with rubble, USBUtil will explore the GAME / ISO and will create a virtual structure, showing we would have the result, to take the this option of his part. See image #8.


Image #8, Observe the resultant size on our GAME / ISO having been rip.

This method was created only to be used for for HD, already it is USBAdvance, USBExtreme, USBLoader or HDLoader and HDExtreme on the hard disks for USB or for IDE (SLIM, PS2 Fat).

Later I show some games Rips with the Extreme Option, must remember that this process is irreversible and alone it has use for hard disk as USB-IDE, as all the methods, it cannot be able to be filled with rubble and save any space, but always it is good to try, of assurance I am that as to my, to many it comes very well.

In the table later some games appear with the option To fill with rubble End, to none of these games there has applied him no modification, but if we make coincide videos with any of them, a better result will be obtained in the size, since it is the BurnOut Dominator that can manage to weigh 0,97 GB and the Black up to 1.34 GB, this way also FIFA's 2008 and others, very well to incorporate games in the memories flash (pendrive / portable).

I personally managed in a pendrive of 4Gb, coinciding videos to introduce the following games:

Table of games rips with USBUtil and played from a pendrive of 4 Gb (memory Flash)
•   Black...........................1.34  GB  (rip with the videos coinciding)
•   MVP 2003....................0.95  GB  (rip with the videos coinciding)
•   BurnOut Dominator........0.92 GB  (rip with the videos coinciding)
•   Virtua Tenis SEGA..........0.33 GB  sin rip

To these games one made them coincide the videos couple occupy less space.

Table of games rips with USBUtil and played in a HD, for USBAdvance/HDLoader
•   Name of game                         Real size                    GB reduced
•   Black........................................3.64 GB..........................1.24 GB
•   Call Duty “World at war”..............2.78 GB..........................1.24 GB
•   FIFA 2008,2006.........................4.34 GB..........................2.13 GB
•   NBA  Street...............................4.34 GB..........................2.13 GB
•   Urban Reign...............................4.14 GB..........................1.79 GB
•   BurnOut “Dominator”...................3.92 GB..........................2.30 GB
•   Hulk “ultimate destruction”...........3.85 GB..........................2.11 GB
•   Lord of the Ring 3.......................4.24 GB..........................0.99 GB

Some games rip with rip extreme, here the real size and the quantity proves to be alone in GB reduced after rip extreme, these games have not been modified, only rip.

The methods of rip (Normal and Ideal) were designed to incorporate major information into the game from the original one, since in some cases only the modifications included by USBUtil are preferred putting and the size is not so important, in addition some games can bring secret information inside the same one.
These games here mentioned were proved in a SLIM by USBAdvance by USB and in a fat PS2 by HDLoader v0.8c by IDE and they all ran perfectly well, the result of a game that does not run after being rip is exactly equal in both cases.


Active, Desactivate and Coincide VIDEOS

These three options of useful as other it is possible to accede to them with right click on a GAME / ISO and they are for this route inside the option of FILES: Configuration (Options for videos). These were created in USBUtil to try to improve in some games the slowness at the moment of executing the videoes (cinemas), it is of more remembering that the USB in PS2 is 1.1 and does that some formats are weighed for the same one.

The recommended option and that more profit will give us is VIDEOS coincide, since they do not allow great quantity of games that the videoes should be deactivated (position to zero his size), the method of coinciding is based in aiming at all the videoes to that of minor size and with this to do that the delay is small, avoiding certain inconveniences caused by the transfer by the port USB, nevertheless the option to deactivate can be proved and if it is allowed, perfectly it can be secondhand.
Finally we will see To activate VIDEOES, this one allows us to activate all the videoes of general form, even if someone has been injected, I am useful here to say that we can create our own video of interval and inject this one, later make it coincide and we will obtain the visualization of our video in every cinema.

Later a sight of the menu (option Useful) image #9.


Image #9, Many of these options can be called by the speed keys, another route is to use right click on a GAME / ISO.



This option is of great utility, the same one allows us to return our games to the original condition before modifying it, USBUtil includes two types of restoration, the first PARTIAL Restoration allows us to restore all the changes, without altering Patches and injected and replaced Files, specifically only it acts on the files deactivated (positions in zero) and internal coincidences in the game, nothing any more will be restored, unlike the option TOTAL Restoration, which as is indicated will restore quite the changes including Patches and Injections. Later we show the images #10 and #11


Image #10, See information Rest. Partial


Image #11, See information Rest TOTAL

These options are of great utility when we want to undo some change or not wished modification, the total restoration is the indicated one for these cases.

MANUAL Configuration

All the modifications effected here will be able to be restored from the option of restoration, with the exception of replacing that the same one acts without saving the information, for this case extract a copy and support the real size of the file.

To this option it will be possible accede from a GAME or ISO with right click, later there appear two images, one for every case. See image #12-#13


Image #12, I access to Manual Configuration across a game, also it can be done by the rapid access (Ctrl. + M).


Image #13, I access to Manual Configuration across an ISO, this option is limited from rapid access.

Later the panel of Manual Configuration, see the details of every information that appears, it is important to know each of them, they will be made clear more detailed.
See image #14


Image #14,  See every assignment with a number associated to facilitate the explanation of the parts.



1) Memory to store files, this one allows to store files later to make them coincide, can be one o more, the memory possesses an indicator of whole and selected, when a group of files are sent to memory automatically they are marked to try. This option facilitates that there could be stored files of different extensions.

2) List of existing files, primeramente want to say that USBUtil explores our images and the files are separated by extension, for fault the first files that will try to show each other are those of extensions of Videos, if these are not a message will be expressed indicating to change VIDEOS into FILES (option 4), this way to be able to explore the others who are inside the game. Later one explains all the options of the submenu (accede with right click) that are allowed for the files.


Later there appears the submenu, which one accedes for right click on or the files, the options of the same one will explain immediately afterwards.


Image #15, Here a sight of the submenu of options for the files.

Later the topics will be answered as To Activating, To deactivate, To coincide, To inject and To replace, let's remember that USBUtil gives a great facility, since never it is needed to re-compile the GAME / ISO and the modifications can be done on our games on the external hard disk.

2.1) –As To Activate/ To Desactivate one or more files
To deactivate simply we can mark with Ctrl. + Click all the files we wish, then acceding to the submenu with right click we take the option To deactivate marked, hereby the files will put in not active (equal Size to zero), otherwise in Activating marked we would have them in Assets, in case of being an alone file, IF/NOT gives double left click for turnar the activation. Later only We must Apply changes to save same realized, See image #16.


Image #16, See as the file 02_P.M2V and the others (they are not activated), to save the changes only it must press the button Apply changes.

2.2)-Select for Directory or All
These options will allow to mark the files, the first one To select for directory it is very useful, with this one we will be able to verify that files belong to the same directory for if we want to make coincide these with those of another directory, to store them to memory or simply to disable the same ones, I want to clarify something of a lot of importance, when USBUtil explores a directory the files they are read on order of creation, this one is the most suitable form to be employed the same ones at forms of groups, since otherwise To show tidy list the files will gather in crowds for alphabetical order, but ultimately we will choose be convenient for us and mas simple be. Only it can only to say that To select all and as his name Indian selects all the files of the showed extension. It finalizes this one very usefully when we want to extract the whole content of the list for some another place.

2.2)-Show list (Tidy/for fault)
If we want to see the elements of the list we will be able to do it tidily or for the order read by USBUtil from the game, as before I said to convenience it will be possible show the files.

2.3)-Coincide (HERE) on
This one is one of the options that will allow us to coincide one o more files with the current file under the blue bar, it is necessary to clarify that always one coincides with the last marked file and this will do that they all appear towards this one, it is possible to do of two forms, if none is marked and one orders to coincide, all the files will do it to which is under the bar, if there is a group marked at the time all the marked ones will aim at the current one, to mark it is possible to do of several forms (Ctrl. + left Click, Shift+cursor, or simply dragging the bar with the click left. Pressed), this option only allows to coincide files of the same extension, that is to say, those who are in the same list, later one will show himself of so many examples on that they could put, this one is in the game Black (to see forward) and simply I prove to be like all the languages of a level coincide, to the Spanish language, when one proceeds, USBUtil marks the files with arrows, these can indicate two things depending on the position of the same ones, if the saetas ">> " they are ahead it wants to say that this file is being aimed for one o more files and they are coinciding on him, if the arrows are behind, the file is not active, is coinciding (appearing) towards other one, the information shows itself in the field (9) image #14, this information includes (Directory, Name of the file on the one that one is coinciding and the size of the same one).

Hither to it is easy to understand the functioning of this option, but there exists really a case that it tends to confuse and to be when a file contains arrows ahead and behind, knowing that when a file is coinciding it is not active for yes, but this one can be activated if someone coincides on him, this wants to say that a file can point at another file coinciding, the result is, that the one that coincides on him will show the information of this one, and he in turn, it will show the information of the file about the one that is coinciding, it is good bear this case in mind mentioned to obtain the awaited result, always USBUtil will show a line of help reporting on whom one coincides and this way to facilitate more the work.
Also another way of coinciding files exists, this one will be treated in Injecting files, let's see the example of the Black in the image #17.


Image #17, Here there appear the files of English, French, German and Italian speech coinciding (appearing) on the Spanish-speaking file, see as those who coincide they are deactivated, in the top part it reports on whom one coincides.

When several files post to fill with rubble contain arrows ahead and do not contain behind, this wants to say that they all sign between them, since on having filled with rubble I take only one (they they all contain the same LBA's value and the same size), all they are the same.

2.4)-Coincide memory (HERE) on
This option is identical to the previous one, his this difference with which different extensions can coincide using the memory of storage, in addition groups of files can coincide, this happens between the memory and the list of files for extension, in this one it finalizes, there can be several marked, if it is like that the groups coincide between yes for the order of the files, See the image #18.


Image #18, Here they will make coincide all the SPCH of the level 0 with all those of the level 8, this will give as result that when one executes in the level 0 traverse the SPCH of the level 8. (Applying memory Coinciding (HERE) on).

2.5)-ADD to memory
This one is the option that will allow us to guard one o more files to memory and this way to facilitate the operations of coinciding, they can add to this one all the files be wished and the operations will be realized by those who are marked.

The quantity of elements in the list, the marked ones and the characteristics of the file under the bar will be showed. See image #19 for more detalis. 


Image #19, The yellow line of help shows us the directory, the name of the file and the size of the current one under the bar. (Above the whole and the selected quantity appears).

2.6)-CLEAN memory
When one wants to clean the memory it will be able to execute this option.

2.7)-SEARCH for size
This option allows to look for the file of Minor size or Major size positioning the bar on the same one.

If it wants to extract files from the interior of the GAME / ISO, this option allows us to do it for a selected destination, in case a this file coinciding it will be able to choose between the real file or on that they coinciding.

Image #20, Since it is possible to see there is the possibility of extracting the real file or of coinciding.

If we select a group and inside this one files exist coinciding we will be able to choose to extract groups of files (the real ones, or those who are coinciding).

2.9)-INYECTED and to coincide …
Is here one of the most useful options of the program, this one is the one that allows to introduce files inside the GAME / ISO without modifying the original condition of the same one, the changes producidor injecting a file is minimal, that is to say the values in the tabal of the alone LBA receives the modification of an alone file (the one that is modified), the others do not modify for very big that is the injected one, this is of great help for the games that some LBA check.
USBUtil denotes the file injected with an arrow and the sign number (> #) after the name of the file, as I explain to him in case of coinciding, also the file this one deactivated and it follows the same rules.

First of all I want to explain as the process passes of injected, I spend #1: we must look that we are going to inject new file, I spend #2: to extract this one from another game and it to guard on our disc, Step #3: to look for the game that we want to modify and to go to the manual configuration, I spend #4: we look and position the bar on the file to injecting,

I spend #5: with right click we take the option to inject, I spend #6: we select the file previously guarded in the disc and press To inject, and already this, that is to say this method replaces a file with other one without destroying the real one, injected simply it will work for the real one, giving the opportunity to be able to restore it if he wishes later, this is very good to prove the funcionabilidad of some file inside the game, if it works, well, but simply we continue trying with others or restore the original one.

An example of the use of this method is in the option to patch DNAS/IOPRP, only that USBUtil does it automatically when one proceeds with the change of the same ones. To inject will facilitate to us one of the most useful tools wished by those that like to modify the games, here we will be able to try with files IRX, DUMMY, videos of PS2 and files in general, later I show an image and the example that I have taken to show. See image #21


Image #21, Here mostraré a particular case, since I want to change the file of video on which all the videoes are coinciding, for smaller one, I want that they know that not always there are small videoes inside the games and USBUtil always will take one (the smallest of all), but this one even this way can be weighed in the transfer for the port USB, in a case of these, we can extract some minor's video weight of another game and inject it on the file solving this way the problem.


Later, the steps to continuing to do that everything stays according to the awaited thing:

1- A video of little seeks and to extract size from another game, to store it in a specific directory, see To extract

2- We enter to the game that we want to change the video and with the manual option to accede to the same one putting the blue bar on the file that possesses the arrows ahead.

3- We give right click on the file and press the option To inject and to coincide, a window will appear to look in the directories for the file extracted previously see image #22.


Image #22, We select in the directory the video guarded previously and press the button of injecting.

4- Already the file this one injected and it contains the wished video, now it is necessary to make coincide all the videoes towards the new video, see the image #23.


Image #23, Later something like that would stay To injecting, see that the files point towards the real ancient video, that is to say at the real file, now it is necessary to make them coincide on the injected file.

5- We must give right click and select To coincide (HERE) on, for this case we must select to coincide Not the real file, we will select file of COINCIDING, all the videos will point at the new video, here I show an image of how it would stay. See image #24.

Image #24, Later to the step 5, something will stay one shows since here, now all the videos they appear on the injected one.

Good if we want to inject an IRX or another file anyone we must follow the same procedure, separating the IRX that we wish in a directory and take the option To inject and coincide on the IRX or file to modifying.

Here we have the perfect method for when LBA's protection exists in the file to modifying, replacing it is based in overwriting a file on other one, but as everything it has his disadvantage, this one really if it modifies to the GAME / ISO, so if we want to restore the file we must extract a copy of the same one before replacing. As the previous option this method works on the file under the blue bar, to difference that can apply a replacement to him on the real file or on the file that this coinciding or injected, this new secondhand file cannot be of major size, only minor or equally, now if it is minor and We do not support the real size, it will never be possible re-put the master copy, for this USBUtil gives the opportunity to support the original size, this can cause some imbalance in the game when the length of the new file this one below the real one, but if it is a file (IRX, DNAS, others) feasible it(he,she) must not have importance since these end for if and they will finish in the just place, not interesting the remaining information though it is loaded on memory.

Let's see an example of how to replace a file, primeramente extract the file that will serve us for the replacement and copy it to a directory, later we look inside the manual option for the file that we want to replace and pressing right click and we choose TO REPLACE. See the image #25.


Image #25, If it is activated To support you will be able to replace the file always and be minor or equal to the original size, but if it wants to fix it to a minor size do not activate the same one and it was taking the size of the file used to replace (This be to be sure since hereby it will never fit the file of master copy), it must know that the replaced files will not show any change before USBUtil if they are of the same size.

This option is the one that will offer to us the detailed information of the file under the blue bar, this information includes name of the file, size, directory and the values of the LBA taken for the Real one and the file of coinciding. See image #26


Image #26, This one is the only option that shows the value of the LBA, of both files, besides the name, directory, size and condition of the current file.

Hither to the options of the submenu, it is continued by the options of the window of Manual Configuration.

3) Extensions of the VIDEOES and FILES, image #14 (3), in this window show themselves the existing extensions inside the GAME / ISO and divide in two, when we enter to Manual Configuration, USBUtil primeramente looks for all the extensions of videoes recognized for this version and they are those that primeramente sample as VIDEOES, at the same time there creates a list of all the files in general, including those of video also, to this one it finalizes it is possible to accede changing VIDEOES into FILES, hereby it will be able to see all the files of the game in general. This window contains a small submenu with right, this click has two options (To activate, To deactivate), it allows activar/to deactivate the files of the showed extension, of this form is mas rapidly (activation / deactivation) of same one.

4) For VIDEOS and FILES, image #14 (4), Into this window the extension changes for Videos / files.

5) Buttons of associate programs, image #14 (5), These three buttons allow to associate the files of the GAME / ISO with three external programs, I denote them with three names (Player, Publishing, Different), but really the name does not have any meaning with the programs to associate, can be anyone, I have taken the same ones as my own utility, for player I use the VirtualDup, as publisher the UtraEdit (since I allow to edit in hexadecimal), and in other one we could put any other one as a desemsamblador to be able to reschedule some file of the game, when these buttons are associated, at the time they will be active, otherwise they will be deactivated, for more information the option of the menu sees Configuration that hereinafter will be explained.
6) Button to apply the realized changes, image #14 (6), East allows to save all the changes realized in the modified files.

7) Size of the files under the bar, image #14 (7), This information shows the size of the files marked under the bar.

8) Directory of the file under the bar, image #14 (8), Here shows itself the directory to which the file belongs under the bar, is put here in order that it could compare with the directory of the file coinciding if it is necessary.
9) File coinciding or injected, image #14 (9), This one is the information that comes from the files coinciding or injected, it appears in case of coinciding, the directory, name and size, in case of being an injected file the name and the size of the above mentioned file.

Hitherto the options of MANUAL CONFIGURATION, it will be continued by the near option of the principal menu.



Configuration contains three options and the same ones refer only to the part of associating, these are: To associate with …, Erase config. partners, Save config. of partners.)

 The first one of them shows a window to associate three buttons of Manual Configuration, a program will be able to associate each one, defining if it wants or not to send any parameter and if the file that will be extracted will be erased or not later to the use. See image #27.


Image #27,  The window appears to form the access to every button

I am going to show one of them since they all are equal, only it changes the name of the button. See image #28.


Image #28, Here it will be able to select the program to using, it can form a parameter and decide if the file later to the use will resign.

The option To erase config. partners, allows to erase all the buttons of the memory and the disc (To clean configuration).
Finally To save associate Config., it allows to record to the disc the current configuration, in order that it could be loaded by USBUtil to the beginning of the program, supporting this way the same one.

This one is the last option of the principal menu, it of major importance it is the list of compatible games, recently it was taken of the Web http://www.scenespain.net/, I want to say that so much this list as that of the Web http://www.elotrolado.net/, they are her more updated, saying this there is grateful to him once again Eustolio's help (boticario) who supports the updated topic, and to be grateful also to the Web (s) that with a form or other one they help and keep us informed, like that also to http://www.dekazeta.net/ and finally and very importantly http://www.psx-scene.com/, my major gratefulness for allowing that USBUtil and other programs of many utility should come to all.
For more information about the list of games it can report with USBUtil's TUTORIAL 1.02.

Future of USBUtil, ISEKO Team

I have tried to create a better utility with this version, and though really it is very difficult nowadays to programme only beside not having access to Internet, since my resources are very small, with sacrifice I have managed to finish this version.

Also I must be grateful for my friends who for e-mail help me and keep me up to date (especially to eustolio) since of another form it me had been impossible, so, it is an important part of this project.

Hereby I have tried to assemble persons who have the necessary interest to continue with the project for USB, and ISEKO Team will try not to centre only on utilities for PS2, but also for other consoles as PS3, ON XBOX 360 and Wii.

Our modest contribution to the world of the games will be those help all that the game should form a part of his entertainment, hereby the group will work on since being able to help to play for the ports USB in any team.

I possess very few resources, but all those that want to help will be able to do it across the software, assurance there will be good results in the measure that manages to obtain the same ones.

Ado, enjoy this software.
The author ISEKO.


Note of the one that signs:

I go from the year 2005 experiencing the method of load for USB. Of surpluses it is known the lacks that the port offers to us 1.1 of Playstation 2, of there his incompatibilities

In this point the majority already we know the process to try in the possible thing to be able to play with our copies of safety across an External HD, though they have been the own users those who have taken charge of it, to the detriment of $ony.
Many are the utilities that the good non-profit-making sceners have drunk to us. I want to be grateful for all of them your time and dedication, and especially to you ISEKO that even with your lacks you have achieved to assemble in an alone soft everything necessary for the user.

Thank you very much Companion!!

Traslation by Tapia (Nokiajavi)